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Biohazard Spill Kit - Large


Price Excl. GST

Sold as a 20L pail kit

Biohazard spill kits are designed for spills of bodily fluids, along with any small spills of unknown liquids. 

  • Includes an encapsulating powder that turns the spill into a solidified mass when mixed with water.
  • Typical absorbtion capacity of 20L
Kit Components Qty
Instruction sheet 1
Respirator, N95, cup style 3
Apron, disposable, white 3
Gloves, nitrile, pair, disposable, L 3
Safety goggles, clear 3
Shoe covers, disposable, pair 3
All-purpose absorbent wipes 10
Biohazard waste bag, yellow, c/w ties 6
Scoop & scraper 3
Zeolite absorbent powder 4L shaker bottle
Organic sanitiser, concentrate 500mL
Antiseptic hand towelette 3

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These large biohazard spill kits are ideal for biological spills such as body fluids or unknown liquids and is ideal for hospitals, service stations, shopping centres, schools, workshops, warehouses, factories – any public area.

Large biohazard spill kit features:

  • Easy to store, pack and transport
  • Packed in a 20L pail
  • Ideal for health care personnel who may be required to handle or clean up infectious spills in the field.
  • Contains an inert Zeolite absorbent powder that reduces odour, absorbs moisture and helps coagulate the spill. 
  • Use the supplied plastic scoop and scraper to lift and place absorbed spills into the waste disposal bags.
  • Includes disposable gloves, goggles, face mask and apron to protect users. 
  • Sanitising liquid is included to sanitise and clean up the spill area and help reduce unpleasant odours.
  • Includes instructions for use.

Manufactured in Australia

Spill kits are available in an extensive range of sizes and types to ensure a fit for purpose spill kit is on hand to help minimise risk and meet environmental obligations.

Kit Components Qty
Instruction sheet 1
Face mask, L3, disposable, flat fold -
Respirator, N95, cup style 1
Apron, disposable, white 1
Gloves, nitrile, pair, disposable, L 1
Safety goggles, clear 1
Shoe covers, disposable, pair -
All-purpose absorbent wipes 4
Biohazard waste bag, yellow, c/w ties 2
Scoop & scraper 1
Zeolite absorbent powder 200g sachet
Organic sanitiser, concentrate 50mL
Antiseptic hand towelette 1

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